Thursday, May 25, 2017

Making Your Meditation Deeper

5 top tips from my experience to help beginners make their meditation deeper:

1. Choose a comfortable time and place
As you become more experienced, you will be able to be more flexible about this. However, when you are just starting it is better to choose a comfortable time and place where you know you will not be disturbed. Put your mobile on silent, wear something comfortable and sit comfortably with your spine straight (cross-legged or on a chair, as you prefer). Use a back support if you need one. The best times that work for me are either early morning or just before sleeping.

2. Have a relatively empty stomach before meditation, stay hydrated
Meditation works better with an empty stomach and a hydrated body. So, if you planning to meditate before sleeping plan to have an early, light/ easy to digest and easy on the stomach dinner. Avoid fried food, red meat, alcohol and very spicy food for dinner. If you experience a slightly heavy head post alternate nostril breathing, it is a sign of insufficient water intake.

3. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and phone scrolling near meditation
The aim of meditation is to make your mind sharper and naturally alert. Therefore anything that either makes the mind jumpy, restless or dull needs to be avoided pre-meditation. Besides alcohol, coffee, tea and recreational drugs, this also includes endless Facebook and Whatsapp scrolling and TV binge!

4. Exercise
If you are a naturally very energetic person with a very active mind, settling down for meditation can be difficult. While breathing exercises can help with it, physical exercise would use up some of that nervous energy, allowing you to settle deeper.

5. Be regular
As with most things in life, practice makes perfect. So, don’t give up. There are some serious benefits to be reaped with regular meditation, and simply doing it regularly is the key to both unlocking these benefits and going deeper.