Thursday, September 2, 2010

If CEOs are Accountable, so is Tony Blair

With reference to “The hatred of Blair is over the top” by Mr. Gideon Rachman in Financial Times (August 30, 2010), I would like to remind Mr. Rachman that CEO accountability is the norm of the day. The top-leader has to always take responsibility for the mistakes that are committed under his tenure, and the same holds true for Mr. Blair. Labelling it unfair makes no sense. Further, whether UK looks back at the wasteful extravaganza of Blair years, that set the stage for the financial meltdown, with nostalgia or disgust will depend a lot on the effectiveness of spin-doctors and the not-so-remote-possibility of a collective public amnesia. Barring this, the UK may not let off the hook so easily the leader under whose tenure such disastrous policies were implemented and the country went to a meaningless war. And it is no different than holding the CEO responsible for disastrous company policies.

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