Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why We Need Religion

One of my good friends asked me if I feel that the world would be a better place without religion. Question particularly pertinent when I say that the religious nuts are most prone to self-righteousness. My answer is a clear,  unequivocal NO. The world will not be a better place without religion, practically speaking.

I may also add that we can talk in the same way about any philosophy that promotes self-righteousness to promote social stability, encourage moralistic behavior as per the circumstances and address the spiritual hunger.

A group of people agreeing to live on common terms defines any social structure. You can put fear of God to implement it and it would become religion, roughly. It is fine as it does promote stability. However when it takes form of prosecution for all those who have a different idea, it becomes a mess. Like the Church killed so many as part of their bloody inquisitions (including Joan de Arc). Religion has its value, I agree and it can be a means to an end of peace. But today we need something more. I don't know what and I am searching.

Spiritual hunger is a prime hunger in almost every human being. We find different paths to satiate it. Any self-righteous system can fill in the spot like a chewing gum that fills the mouth. It may not actually lead to something going in your belly but you will definitely be chewing something sweet and easy. It may be like an appetizer that can awaken your hunger for God. It can be even like a signpost pointing in His direction. Or it may simply be the security of being in a mass, that so many people cannot be wrong. Whatever way you look at it. Religion in particular can be seen as a support structure that people may need till they realize that there is something beyond. Very much the opium of the masses but not that bad. In fact even helpful and beneficial to some extent. 

What makes religion unique is that the fear of God can be a potent deterrent from doing anything "bad". The masses may not fear the Government but they will fear God. Charity, meditation, good deeds etc. get a major boost due to religion. Besides a significant part of the world population is religious. At the end of the day God is beyond religion. He is bigger than any religion. But the absence of religion can create a serious spiritual and moral vacuum for a lot of people.

Religion is something like democracy. It may look like the worst form of Government to some but all others have already been tried. We need something better but for now we have to manage with the best we have.

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