Thursday, August 30, 2007

Modernization in All Things is Ill-considered Advice

Modernization in all things is ill-considered advice. Rather one should say Modernization in most things since many areas of human concern require least profit from intense focus

Any virtue illogically carried to an extreme becomes a vice. Honesty without understanding can become hostility. Truth without compassion can be brutal. Similarly, carrying out modernization in all things blindly can turn explosive. So is modernization in all things an ill considered advice? No. Intelligent application of modernization in all things is a blessing. What can anybody say about extreme use? The same sword that defends also kills. So is the sword "bad" or is it "good"? It is both. It just depends on the hands in which it is. So it is with the concept of modernization in all things.

Before we try to understand this, we need to be clear about our definition of modernization. We call something modern if we can identify with it as of our time or related with something that has been developed recently. The word is also used for things that seem to be ahead of time. So modernization means making something or somebody appear modern in appearance or behavior. Modernization in all things in the society means updating or improving upon material assets, acquiring and implementing new technology and making people's view liberal, unbiased, intelligent, informed and sophisticated.

Carrying out modernization in all things is the only road to a comprehensive development. Getting biased and taking it to "most things" may lead to a lop-sided, incongruous growth. Cancerous is the word. Can we hope to get a good society if we take into account modernization of only, say, material assets and technology? It may, at best, lead to a materially prosperous society barbaric in thought! On the other hand if one concentrates only on human resources, the society may grow intellectually but will suffer materially. Who is to decide how much is most? Where does its boundary begin and where does it end?

We definitely need modernization in all things. The question of intense focus does not arise if the growth has to be comprehensive. However, we do need intelligent planning and even better execution to see it through. This is true for any project. Each area can be taken one at a time or the responsibility may be divided. Priorities may be attached to a job according to the need of time. That is all right. However, after all has been said and done, all the areas must be covered.

There are no guarantees in life. Even the best laid plans falter. All you can do is give your best shot. Most means you are leaving something. All means one hundred percent effort. In any given scenario any logical person can tell you which one is better!

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